Submit your sitemap.xml to google and verify it

9 12 2008 has it built in now. Got to My Dashboard > Tools. see the bottom of the page

Naturally you want to get indexed by Google and direct some of that traffic to your blog but your using

The best way to do this is to submit your sitemap.xml.  See for more info on sitemap.xml, in short it helps a search engine find all the pages in your site and index them usually within about 3-4days in my experience. Ranking will depend on a number of factors such as number of inbound links which will be covered in another post.

First you need a Google account, when signed into Google  open up ‘My Account’ top right hand corner. Find ‘Webmaster Tools’ near the bottom of the ‘My Products’ list you may need to click edit to find it.  Once in Webmaster Tools add your domain to the dashboard ‘‘ click Sitemaps and we want to add your sitemap.xml. This file is located at so just type in sitemap.xml and then click add.

UPDATE – now has verify sitemap built in. Go to My Dashboard > Tools. See the bottom of the page to add the google page.
Next you will be asked to verify the sitemap upload in one of 2 ways adding a meta tag (which you cant do in or by uploading a document something like google3581fff9759fxxxx.html. We know we cant upload the document, but to how the ‘pages’ section of wordpress works means we can add a new page with the title google3581fff9759fxxxx.html. So click ‘Add New Pages’ and add you googlexxx.html filename in the title click publish.

Once added go back to Webmaster Tools add click the verify button.

When you have verified you can delete the googlexxxx.html file or set it to a draft see note below why. You will now have full access to Webmaster Tools and the features it has to offer.

Now you are verified submit your sitemap.xml file to the search engines. Go to this will allow you to submit your sitemap to a few search engines. You will then see how people are reaching your blog through webmaster tools by what search term they are using.

Curious to see if you have been indexed by Google? Then type in ‘‘ in the google search a few days after you have submitted your sitemap.

Please Note:

In future you may see a crawl error or similar error for your verification. This is because it is trying to verify your googlexxx.html file. If this happends just repeat the method above.

Wonder what you can do with the features? Then check out Google Webmaster Tools Tutorial. This post uses Jalja P. Jha post on the gogle webmater tool hack as a source.

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15 responses

13 02 2009

Thanks for this useful post.. I tried submitting my sitemap before also, but could not succeed. However after reading your post it was nothing more than a cakewalk

8 05 2009

Excellent glad it helped!

27 05 2009

Does anyone know how to fix the date errors on the site map. it says the date cannot be may 26, 2009 it has to be 5-26-09 but I dont understand this. Possibly you could look at my blog by clicking my name and tell me what is wrong exactly

2 10 2009

I got prob with verification with google. so there’s 2 options metatag and html verification. I pick the html verifictn, It says that I gotta download the link and upload it to my server. But hey Im using the default server. there is no way for me to upload the html code, So then I pasted the code “google124##****#*#*#*#.html” and clicked verify. It did not work out and kept saying error.

ughhh help please?

7 11 2009
Salma Fauziah Rahmah

Thanks for this useful tutorial. So, i will send my sitemap.xml to google today.

8 01 2010

Just a quick note…On you can still verify with google but now from the admin menu—go to tools—and there is a place to do the meta-tag verification. Very quick and painless.

14 03 2010
mediafire search

great article, thanks for sharing.

17 06 2010
Chet Payne

I have one error on mine and I am trying to figure out how to fix it.

26 07 2010
insy09 has it built in now. Got to My Dashboard > Tools. see the bottom of the page.

24 08 2010

Yeah, well, sorry, but it doesn’t work for me. I have tried five times in an hour and a half to get Webmaster verification to recognise its own .html reference. Since I cannot discover why this should be so, I shall have to go out and pay someone for an hour of his or her time to get my work website acknowledged by Google. But I appreciate the care you put into your posting.

John Armstrong

24 08 2010
insy09 has it built in now. Got to My Dashboard > Tools. see the bottom of the page..

5 06 2011

hello INSY09, if you would please contact me about this article! I must be missing something and you’re the first person I’ve run across that sounds like you actually KNOW WHAT YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT! I would greatly appreciate it, my friend. Thank you,

16 01 2012
Soumya Vinod

yes, can add meta tag directly on the, under Tools>

16 01 2012
Soumya Vinod

i believe you can add meta tag directly on the, under Tools>

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